Saturday we made a trip to a town called Sarchi. It is most famous for building beautifully decorated ox carts which are used mostly for transporting coffee. It is said that their design was inspired by the carts the Spanish for transporting canons. In the center of the town there is a huge ox cart that actually was built specifically to be put in the Guinness Book of World Records. Of course to be useful, ox carts must come with a yoke for the animals to wear so that they can pull the cart. As we were walking past, my dad pointed out the huge yoke (that came with the BIGGEST ox cart in the world, so you can imagine the size of this yoke!)
Immediately, I thought of the verse in Matthew 11:29-30 that says "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest in your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Often we carry the massive yoke of sin and evil things of this crooked and depraved generation, and they become so heavy we can barely move. Sometimes the yoke may be the burdens and concerns of this world. We have the option to let God take these crushing yokes off of our weary shoulders. Not only does He want to do that, but He also says He will replace our heavy "yoke" with His easy and light one! What a marvelous blessing- that only our marvelous God can give to us!
The worlds largest yoke |
So here is my encouragement to you, brothers and sisters; next time you are falling to the ground because of your heavy yoke, right then and there - STOP and surrender - give everything up to Jesus- and let Him replace your yoke with His! Blessings come out of surrender. Surrender means truly, wholeheartedly obeying, and giving up yourself, your ways, and your life. Lay your yoke down at the feet of Jesus and have faith and trust that God is good!
In front of the worlds largest ox cart. |
We enjoyed watching the hand-painting of the ox cart wheels. |
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